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Listing Photo 9065522
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Contact Information
For more information about this listing, please use the contact information listed below.
Nathan B. Neal
(C) (419) 571-2276
Mansfield OH
Haring Realty, Inc.
(M) (419) 756-8383
(F) (419) 756-7099
1180 Lexington Ave
Mansfield OH 44907
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Listing Details
MLS Number: 9065522
Property Type: Commercial
List Price: $1,200,000
Street #: 370
Street Name: Cline Ave.
City: Mansfield
State: OH
Zip Code: 44903
County: Richland County
Year Built: 1978
Lot Size: 70 x 180
Est Taxes (Half): $1,734.00
Type Property: Medical/Dental, Office, Professional Service
Remarks: FOR SALE: Partially-leased office building located in the Mansfield Professional Colony. Building is demised into two units, each roughly 6, 066 square feet: The lower-level unit is currently leased to a long-term medical tenant, while the upper-level unit is vacant and available for either occupancy by new owner or for lease to a new tenant. With a current projected/proforma capitalization rate of 11.6%, the property would be ideal for both investors and/or partial owner occupants alike. {Financial information available to qualified buyers with a signed confidentiality agreement.}